We are most fortunate to have a highly skilled and experienced Governing Board at Broseley C of E Primary School. Our Governors are representatives of the local community, the church, parents, school staff and the Local Education Authority. They bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills to the school whilst working in a voluntary capacity. Governors play an active role as a ‘critical friend’ to leaders of Broseley C of E Primary School. Their work is crucial in helping the school to continue to develop and improve: providing support, challenge and strategic direction to our school. Our Governors share leaders' high ambitions for the future of our school and pupils; they regularly visit school to talk to staff, pupils and parents, to make sure that these ambitions are realised.
Our most recent OfSTED Report (April 2023) states: 'Governors take their responsibilities seriously. This includes taking into consideration staff and leaders’ well-being. Leaders provide appropriate support to teachers.'
The three core functions of the Governing Body are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the school(s) and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school(s) and making sure that its money is well spent.
To enable this, we termly committee meetings as well as Full Governing Board meetings (FGB). Committee and FGB membership is outlined below.
If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors directly, please email:
Full Governing Board (termly meetings)
Ian Barrett (Chair of Governors) Cara Duppa (Vice Chair of Governors) Rosemary Lloyd Chris Cannon Vacancy Jamie Cowdrill May Morgillo |
Howard Davies David Atack Lynda Lilley Karen Harley Claire Killick (Headteacher, ex officio) Erica Skidmore (Clerk to the Governing Body) |
Curriculum and Standards Committee Membership (termly meetings)
Ian Barrett (Chair of the Committee) Jamie Cowdrill Chris Cannon Lynda Lilley |
Karen Harley Claire Killick Cara Duppa |
Finance and General Personnel Committee Membership (termly meetings)
Ian Barrett (Chair of the Committee) Howard Davies David Atack |
Claire Killick Chris Cannon
Safeguarding, Premises and Health & Safety Committee Membership (termly meetings)
Rosemary Lloyd Howard Davies (Chair of the Committee) Cara Duppa |
May Morgillo Claire Killick Karen Harley |
*Salaries, Performance Management and Employment Issues Committee Membership
Ian Barrett Chris Cannon |
Rosemary Lloyd Howard Davies |
*Staff Discipline Committee Membership
Ian Barrett Cara Duppa |
Rosemary Lloyd Lynda Lilley |
*Staff Discipline Appeals Committee Membership
Howard Davies May Morgillo |
Rosemary Lloyd |
*Pupil Discipline Committee Membership
Howard Davies Cara Duppa |
Chris Cannon Reserve: Lynda Lilley |
*Appeals and Complaints Committee Membership
May Morgillo Howard Davies |
Chris Cannon Lynda Lilley |
*these committees meet as often as required, often on an 'ad hoc' basis dependent upon circumstances or need.
Register of Business Interests 2023-2024
From 1 September 2015, governing bodies have a duty to publish on their website their register of interests. The register should set out the relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern. The register should also set out any relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives. ‘None’ should be the recorded entry on the register by governors who have no interests to register.
Governor Name | Business Interest | Other establishments governed |
Relationships with staff / members of the governing body |
Ian Barrett | None | None | None |
Howard Davies | None | None | None |
Rosemary Lloyd | None | None | None |
Chris Cannon | None | None | None |
Laura Heath | None | None | None |
May Morgillo | None | None | None |
Claire Killick | None | Coalbrookdale and Ironbridge C of E Primary School | None |
Jamie Cowdrill | None | None | None |
Karen Harley | None | None | None |
Cara Duppa | None | None | None |
Lynda Lilley | None | None | None |
Vacancy | None | None | None |
Governor Attendance 2023-2024
Chair of Governors
Historic (left within the last 12 months)