Broseley C of E Primary School

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Dark Lane, Broseley, Shropshire, TF12 5LW

01952 567630

Broseley C of E Primary School

Please note that we are closed for a PD Day on Friday 19th July.

  1. Vision and Values
  2. Collective Worship

Collective Worship

Collective worship is the unique heartbeat of Broseley C of E Primary as a Church school and is a time each day in which we develop a sense of pride in belonging to our school community, when we explore moral and spiritual values in an act of worship and teach the principles of our Christian faith. We also use Collective Worship time to explore global and local issues and events, supporting children in forming and voicing their views and in becoming courageous advocates for change when they see injustice in the world.

During Collective Worship, pupils are welcomed using read and respond words that remind them of the Holy Trinity and our reasons for coming together to worship as a school community. Collective Worship takes on many forms and can be led by children and adults alike, but it will ordinarily include prayer and a moment for quiet reflection and contemplation.

Our Roots and Fruits Collective Worship sessions are centred around a Bible story or scripture, which links to the core Christian values. We are lucky enough to also have Sue Hodgetts and Rev. Lynda Lilley from All Saints Church, join us every Monday to facilitate Worship for us.