Broseley C of E Primary School

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01952 567630

Broseley C of E Primary School

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  1. Parents/Carers
  2. Parent View

Parent View

At Broseley C of E Primary, we very much value your input as parents. One of the best ways to capture your opinions is through questionnaires - we write questions based on different topics depending upon what we are focusing on as a school. Once we have analysed parent questionnaires, we use the information gathered to make our school even better. Our school questionnaires are undertaken using Microsoft Forms and we share the feedback from both these, and Parent Forum discussions, when it is available.

Parent Forum Feedback September 2024

Parent Survey Feedback January 2025

Before an OfSTED inspection, inspectors visit Parent View (which is an online questionnaire which gives parents the chance to tell Ofsted what they think of their child’s school). At the beginning of each academic year the responses are 'reset' and therefore we currently do not have many entries from parents. We kindly ask that you take five minutes out of your time to complete the short questionnaire. Our aim as a school has always been to provide high-quality education and school experience to all children, and by having lots of parents completing this survey, will enable us to continue to grow.

If you do not have access to a device to complete this, please let a member of our team know and we will be more than happy to support you.

Broseley C of E Primary: OfSTED Parent View