Broseley C of E Primary School

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Broseley C of E Primary School

Please note that we are closed for a PD Day on Friday 19th July.

  1. About Us
  2. Love to Read

Love to Read

A Welcome from Ms Young

"Reading is at the heart of Broseley C of E Primary School, which means the library is at the heart of the school. I have been the school librarian since I began working at Broseley as a Teaching Assistant 10 years ago; however, this role has changed significantly over the years. I love reading and enjoy reading current children’s literature which allows me to ensure that the library collection is current and inviting for the students. 

Each class has a weekly library session, where they can take the opportunity to choose their reading for pleasure book. In addition, in order to facilitate great choices, I lead ‘Book Talk’ sessions with each class which helps them to widen their horizons and introduce them to a more varied selection of books including books from our school book spine."


Our school library is open daily. Each class has timetabled visits with our librarian, Ms Young, where they complete Empathy Reading sessions and choose books to borrow, take home and share with their family. Our library has 7 main categories to choose from:

Fiction by author

We have a large selection of quality, current books to choose from. We feature genres including adventure and mystery, humour, friendships, fantasy, horror and sport.  We also have shelves dedicated to “Popular Authors” and “Popular Series”.

Speedy Reads

Our “Speedy Reads” shelves and brimming with first chapter books and easier reads for students who are just beginning their love of reading. The tubs have been organised into simple genres or subject interest, such as animals, mischief, adventure, real life and magic.

Picture Books

We have a wide selection of wonderful picture books. These are our student’s first gateway to a love of reading and are very much integral to the whole school’s joy of storytelling.

Information Books

We have an enormous stock of information books spanning subjects such as history, science, animals and their kingdoms, art, sport, the natural world, and RE. The list of topics continues to expand with our students’ interests.

'SEE' boxes

These boxes feature books which particularly address our school’s overarching principles of Sustainability, Equality and Empowerment. These principles also feature highly when it comes to choosing new books for the library stock, however, these books are great for quick reference and use. The issues subtly addressed within these books include emotions, feeling, role models, disabilities, race, conflict and refugees, conservation and many more.

Graphic Novels Trolley

Our current focus is improving our stock of the ever-popular graphic novels. These books are incredibly popular for all ages, both boys and girls, reluctant and enthusiastic readers and serve a really important role in our student’s reading journeys. 

Magazine box

One way to support and supplement the learning process is by having a range of reading resources available. Purchasing specific children’s magazines tailored to appropriate learning goals is a way of achieving this. To this end, we have been lucky to secure donations of subscriptions from local businesses. Magazines we currently subscribe to: Match, Shoot, Scooby Doo, Phoenix Comic, and the Kids National Geographic.