Broseley C of E Primary School

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Broseley C of E Primary School

Please note that we are closed for a PD Day on Friday 19th July.

  1. Curriculum
  2. Art



At Broseley C of E school, we believe art allows children of all backgrounds and abilities to engage in a subject that gives a unique opportunity for personal expression and creativity. It allows children to express their thoughts, feelings, observations, and imagination. Our art curriculum will provide everyone with the opportunity to learn, apply and strengthen the key elements of line, tone, texture, colour, pattern, and shape within the areas of drawing, colour, texture, form, printing, and pattern.

SEE (Sustainability, Equality and Empowerment) feature throughout the art curriculum.  Children will be taught about a range of influential artists of different ethnicity and gender who have contributed to the culture, creativity and wealth of Britain and the world. They will explore artists’ paintings such as: Turner’s seascapes, urban landscapes of Lowry and mixed media landscapes of David Hockney. Pupils will respect, evaluate, reflect upon, and articulate their thoughts on artist’s work and consider their own pieces and the pieces of their peers.



Implementation: How is Art taught at Broseley C of E? 

Art will be taught in a coherent, purposeful, and progressive way allowing children to explore their own interests as well as reflect upon other’s work and notice cultural reference points. Opportunity is given to talk about art and craft using the correct terminology and subject-specific vocabulary. We recognise the importance of ensuring the children are exposed to a wide and diverse range of high-quality artists and cultural artefacts. 

The children use sketchbooks to develop their ideas, record their imitations and give experimentation opportunities. These will also display their final innovation piece inspired by their own reflections.

The key knowledge and skills that we focus on throughout our Art curriculum are drawing, colour, pattern, printing, texture, and form. These are developed through the years.

Art in EYFS

In Early Years, the children develop essential basic skills in Art and Design which prepares them for their transition into Year 1. This is by the teacher creating many opportunities for the children to carry out creative activities across all areas of learning. 

From Year 1 upwards, the children will engage in art units throughout the year which will involve the children researching artist’s work, practising skills, designing, making, and evaluating.


Prior to the start of each Art unit

Each Art learning sequence will begin with an assessment of previous knowledge and skills taught. They will look at an artist/s for inspiration, from which specific skills will be taught.  Opportunity is then given to imitate and experiment before an innovative final piece is made.


Lesson overview

The children will engage in a range of units and lessons which will involve the children researching artist’s work, practising skills, designing, making, and evaluating.


In this type of session, the children will explore an artist’s work linked to their unit. 
Pupils will start to build on their understanding of an artwork by critiquing a chosen piece. Starting by describing exactly what they see in the piece, interpreting what they think the piece is about, judging it based on their own opinions and what they have learnt and finally analysing the elements of art used to produce the piece.

Practising Skills

During this session, the children will engage in practical activities to practise the necessary skills that they will need when completing their final piece of work. This may be a new skill or a skill previously practised but that required more practise. 


The children will draw/sketch their design and annotate this with information about their design such as, what features they have included in their design. 
During this lesson, the children will also answer questions such as: 

  • What materials will I need? 
  • What colours will I use? 
  • What technical skills will I need to practise before making the product? (Some of these may have been previously taught skills which need refreshing or be completely new)

The children produce their final piece. 


The children will not only evaluate the overall effectiveness of their final piece of work but also the knowledge of the skills that they applied with comparison made to original artists.

This process will be recorded individually in their Art Sketch Book.  The children and teacher will annotate the work to allow for reflections and deepen thinking. 

Visiting art galleries and having artists work in schools will consolidate and deepen skills and an opportunity to apply what has been taught.


Support for pupils with SEND

At the beginning of each unit of work, key pieces of knowledge for the unit are selected and work takes place to ensure that pupils with SEND are retaining and building on this. In addition, scaffolding ensures that pupils can meet the same learning objective as their peers.



We believe engagement with art, builds confidence, promotes creative and practical responses, and allows imaginative risk-taking which nurtures critical, creative, and analytical thinking skills.  It promotes self-esteem and offers large amounts of enjoyment for health and wellbeing.  We want the children at Broseley C of E to be very enthusiastic and proud of their artistic development and be always keen to share their learning

The intended impact of the Art Curriculum is that the children are excited, confident, and motivated to reflect their own observations, thoughts and emotions using a variety of creative medias.  They are thoughtful, curious, and reflective on their own work and that of their peers and studied artists. 

In addition, it is the intended impact that the children: 

  • are inspired by the Art Curriculum and want to learn more. 
  • show the progression in their skills, knowledge and understanding in the work in their books. 
  • can discuss their learning and remember what they have learnt. 
  • can identify some key artists and talk about their work. 

Art Long Term Plan

Art Progression of Skills