Broseley C of E Primary School

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Dark Lane, Broseley, Shropshire, TF12 5LW

01952 567630

Broseley C of E Primary School

Please note that we are closed for a PD Day on Friday 19th July.

  1. Parents/Carers
  2. Extended Schools Provision

Extended Schools Provision

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs from 7:45am to 8:30am each morning. Children attending the club receive a healthy breakfast and take part in some fun morning activities. The cost of attending Breakfast Club is heavily subsided by school which keeps the cost low at £2.50 per day. If you would like your child to attend our Breakfast Club, or you would like more information about it, please contact the School Office

After School Club

Broseley C of E Primary School offers an After School Club Provision. Our aim is that children are happy and have fun, enjoying a wide range of interesting, practical activities so that they continue to learn and enjoy the company of their friends when school has finished. The atmosphere is always calm and inclusive; it is an opportunity for children to unwind.

We offer two sessions:
• Short session: 3pm – 4:30pm at a cost of £5.00
• Full session: 3pm – 5:30pm (including a light tea) at a cost of £8.00

Should you require any further information please contact the school’s main office on 01952 567630.