Broseley C of E Primary School

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Broseley C of E Primary School

Please note that we are closed for a PD Day on Friday 19th July.

  1. Curriculum


PSHE Intent, Implementation and Impact

‘Growing Global Citizens’



At Broseley C of E Primary School, our aim is to ensure pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes needed in order to keep themselves healthy and safe whilst being prepared for life and work. We do this through our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) curriculum.

According to the Education Act 2002 and the Academies Act 2010, the PSHE curriculum should be a balanced and broadly-based curriculum which ‘promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and prepares pupils at the school for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.’

Our curriculum is based around three underlying themes, within which there is broad overlap and flexibility. These themes are ‘Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Living in the Wider World’, and these link intrinsically to sustainability, equality and empowerment.

At Broseley C of E our PSHE curriculum supports the development of the attitudes, values, skills and behaviour needed to become a responsible global citizen. Through the delivery of this curriculum, our aim is to enable pupils to:-

  • Live healthy lifestyles
  • Address personal hygiene
  • Develop an awareness of changing and growing
  • Deal with different emotions in an appropriate way
  • Keep safe
  • Communicate well with others and work as a team
  • Define, identify and know how to respond to bullying
  • Know where and how to seek help when needed
  • Treat everybody with respect
  • Form and build positive relationships
  • Understand the reasons for rules, and their responsibility to keep them
  • Learn about their responsibility in caring for others
  • Be active in their own learning
  • Be active within their community
  • Manage money well
  • Keep safe online
  • Self-assess and identify their strengths and weaknesses
  • Know how to make emergency calls
  • Know basic First Aid
  • Work collaboratively and respectfully
  • Appreciate diversity
  • Empathise with other points of view
  • Express opinions clearly
  • Understand the changes that occur in puberty
  • Develop strategies for managing changing emotions


Our aim is to help pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully, and contribute positively, to life in modern Britain. Pupils will learn to respect similarities and differences between our diverse cultures in order to build successful and meaningful friendships and relationships that are vital to the world in which we live.
Within the delivery of PSHE, our RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) curriculum focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships and relationships with other children and adults.

The PSHE curriculum is not limited to learning the subject within the classroom. Our aim is for our pupils to demonstrate their PSHE skills, knowledge and attributes in all areas of the school environment.


Implementation: How is PSHE taught at Broseley C of E?

We follow the PSHE 3D programme for the teaching of PSHE and it is implemented from Reception through to Year 6. It follows a carefully sequenced programme and as the children progress through school, they build on previous knowledge. The development of skills follows a two-year progression, which means that there is some consolidation and embedding of skills over two years.

The PSHE programme focuses on acquiring the skills and knowledge in the following categories:

  • economic wellbeing,
  • emotional wellbeing,
  • physical wellbeing,
  • relationships.


PSHE Long Term Plan

The ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’ 2021 states that,
“Children’s personal, social and emotional development (PSED) is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives and is fundamental to their cognitive development. Underpinning their personal development are the important attachments that shape their social world. Strong, warm and supportive relationships with adults enable children to learn how to understand their own feelings and those of others. Children should be supported to manage emotions, develop a positive sense of self, set themselves simple goals, have confidence in their own abilities, to persist and wait for what they want and direct attention as necessary. Through adult modelling and guidance, they will learn how to look after their bodies, including healthy eating, and manage personal needs independently. Through supported interaction with other children, they learn how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts peaceably. These attributes will provide a secure platform from which children can achieve at school and in later life.

All key areas of the Early Years PSED curriculum are covered in creative and innovative ways within our PSHE curriculum, and these are taught through the themes of ‘Making relationships’, ‘Self-confidence/Awareness’ and ‘Managing Feelings/Behaviour’.

The following shows the Early Learning Goals in PSED for Reception:

Modern British values are embedded, both implicitly and explicitly within the teaching resources, so that, from a very early age, children are being taught the importance of tolerance, democracy, respect and rules and responsibilities.


Lesson overview

Each lesson follows the same structure: Introduction, Main Activity, Plenary and Assessment Focus.

In the Introduction, previous learning will be referred back to and the new focus will be introduced by asking the pupils focused questions to stimulate thinking and discussion in relation to the Learning Intention.

The Main Activity is where the topic will be covered in depth to extend pupils’ knowledge and teach the new skills. PSHE lessons are delivered in a variety of ways, including group and paired discussions, whole class debates, written activities, creating a whole-class consensus etc.

In the Plenary, ideas from the lesson are shared through discussion and the main focus of the lesson is reviewed and revisited.

Finally, through the Assessment Focus, we can check pupils’ depth of understanding and ensure that expectations for the lesson have either been met, or identify that the content needs to be taught further in the next lesson.


Vocabulary Focus

In PSHE there is a strong focus on using the correct and precise vocabulary that is appropriate to pupils’ age. In lessons, the relevant vocabulary will be introduced and constantly reviewed throughout the lesson to ensure it is being used correctly. Some of the lessons specifically focus on particular terms and how to use them correctly and appropriately. For example, how to use the word ‘bullying’ correctly, and not just as a way to describe a one-off incident of unpleasantness.


Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge

Pupils are taught both substantive knowledge (e.g. how bodies change, the effects of exercise, what a democracy is) and disciplinary (second order) concepts such as:

  • how to have a healthy diet
  • how to respond to changes through life
  • how to become an active citizen
  • how to make good choices


Example of substantive knowledge/concepts and disciplinary concepts/skills taught through the online safety focus in Year 3:

Substantive knowledge 

 How do we stay safe online?  

  • There can be harmful content on the internet
  • There are laws relating to keeping people safe

Substantive concepts


Disciplinary concepts 

Making good choices – understanding that although IT is an amazing development and the potential of its uses is endless, it can make individuals feel brave and do things online that they would never do in reality, some of which can have devastating consequences for themselves and others.

Disciplinary /PSHE skills

Case studies – Sharing and discussion of scenarios in which different choices were made, leading to different outcomes. Use of debating skills to suggest more effective strategies in each scenario and reaching a class consensus regarding most effective choice to have made.


Support for pupils with SEND

PSHE lessons are structured in a way that is accessible for all pupils, regardless of their ability. Pupils who find it difficult to participate in peer discussions or the sharing of ideas within a group are given support to allow them to contribute effectively. For written activities, scaffolding ensures that SEND pupils can meet the same learning intention as their peers.


During the lesson, teachers move around the classroom and use individual questioning to gain feedback and ensure that pupils are on track to achieving the learning intention. During discussions, the teacher will ask individual pupils to contribute to the discussion, thereby checking and building on their understanding in the moment. At the end of each lesson, there is an assessment question based on either the substantive knowledge from the lesson or the disciplinary skills that have been taught. This informs planning for the next lesson.


Much of the work in PSHE is done through discussion, debate and informal collaborative work. Examples of any written work produced is collated in a class PSHE book that showcases exemplary work produced in the lesson. We expect all children’s work to be of a high standard.


The impact of our PSHE curriculum is measured through pupil voice, observations, learning walks and scrutiny of the class PSHE book. This comprehensive range of evidence shows that children have high levels of enthusiasm for PSHE lessons, and also shows that they have developed effective skills for managing their personal, social, health and economic well-being.

Knowledge and skills that are learnt in PSHE lessons permeate through the whole of school life, and are constantly built on through assemblies, informal chats, discussions about behaviour, and through our school rules. The long-lasting impact of a well-taught PSHE curriculum is a child who is empowered, responsible, and ready to take on the world as a happy, well-rounded, and informed global citizen.